islenska 04.07.06 ______everyonE iS a Queen`*
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The Definition Of ME

Hi my name is SUXIAN you can call me XIAN-Y and I am addicted to CHOCOLATE :D




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August 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009

OK somebody tell me why I'm feeling so emo. You know, I got a three day MC, which MEANS I don't have to go to school till like, Thursday. YAY! Oh, right, the emo picture. There IS a reason why I would put that thing up there you know.

Good news. I HAVE AN IDEA FOR THE BIRTHDAY PARTY. :))) I'm (hopefully) gonna get everyone to wear masks or something, so it'll look nicer on the photos. I'm not gonna rest in peace till I get a piccy of my birthday party for Sec 2.

It's so sad, Sec. 2's gonna end soon. Oh yes, maybe I'll exclude Miyuki from the bulk-party thing. She's probably not gonna invite anyone anyway... Just a matter of HOW TO SAY that in her face.

I'm betting $2 2PE's gonna be quarantined soon, EVERYONE's getting sick!!! Only like, 2 days ago, I had a REAL BAD fever. And cold, and cough. Etc. etc. I can go all day just discussing my symptoms. But at least I get an MC. Yaye!

I think I'm gonna have a BBQ for my birthday. And anyone who doesn't bring a mask (as if in a fancy one not the medical one LOL) would have to forfeit. Oh YES. Signing off, my mom's looking at me now. OOOOOOPS.

Queen` @* 11:39 PM

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Bunneh ruleez thee world!!! Yeah its Saturday again. YAY! Too bad almost half of the day is wasted on math class. SUCH A WASTE. And guess what??? I managed to get into Y(outh)O(lympic)G(ames)!!!! ^.^ Yeah I know this is like OLD NEWS but I haven't been blogging for some time... So this is NEW NEWS!!! I think I'm supposed to be Host. Not sure yet. They said they'll contact me or something. YAY!!!

Oh and notebook production has to stop for now. Sigh. Too much work, too little TIME!!! This would also mean no more money till further notice.

The 2am were giving out tickets to a surprise party for Claire and Rae(The Stick and the Blubber). They supposedly gave EVRYONE tickets, EXCEPT me and megan. Seems like it. :((( And best part it, Kalya is going. I know she wants to pretend she's just like them and all, but still? I know that Kai Jun and Farisha aren't going for the party thing, and Tiff and Shon. -_-" I didn't tell them anything about not getting the ticket.

It's supposed to be a formal event or something. But why invite so many people if you don't even know even HALF of them? And MOST of them wouldn't know THREE QUARTERS of the 2am. It's THAT stupid. And Kalya gives lame excuses about why she wants to go, like " There's gonna be good food!" and crap like that.

Dude, we're not blind.

I'm gonna make sure my party is gonna be the BEST ever. Ever ever ever. And luckily its gonna be during the hols. Maybe I could invite my tuition friends...? Like maybe Nicole or Clarissa or Amanda or Mirabel or something?

I know some people I can DEFINITELY invite. I'll make it a group thing then. The BIIIIG problem here is the planning. WHAT am I gonna DO for the party? I want it to be FORMAL and FUN. HOW do I do that exactly...? *thinks very deeply*

Queen` @* 11:38 PM

YEEEESSSS!!!!!!! SUCCESS!!! Well, in case you haven't actually been following lately, success means YAY I MANAGED TO SELL MY NOTEBOOK!

And guess what? I got $2.50 for it! Total daylight robbery. Seriously.

Anyway, my brother (duh, obviously I wouldn't sell it myself right??) showed it to his friends and they all liked it very very much! AND my dad owes me a dollar. He betted that the notebook wouldn't be sold. HA. In fact, they wanna see another one tomorrow. -_-"

It's not like I don't have school to go to you know. But STILL. The fact that I actually SOLD the book is like, WOW. AND this is my first book to be sold. 50 cents extra for your name on the back. ^_^ Well it IS the recession now right?!

Can't blame me.

Queen` @* 11:37 PM

HELLO AGAIN!!! Hahas after the first week of school after the holidays I feel like CRAP. Is hard getting used to it again :( But on the good side, we have an obese hamster! Our first real pet! Yay! But it's friggin obese. AND it's supposed to be dwarf-sized. DWARF. Cough cough.

Living in CCK isn't so bad I think... I can actually get used to it do you know that? Oh,and the hamster's called Boy Boy. CUTE RIGHT??? Wanted to call it Fei Zai but everyone thought I was trying to make fun of my brother (go figure) so NO.

We had photoshooting too today!!! We put Boy Boy in a china teacup and he tried to climb out! Then we put him really really high up and he tried to commit suicide!!! But we managed to get pictures. :))) Will upload ummmm... soon? Just recently made a new notebook. May be able to sell soon if im really really lucky. Will update if I get to sell it. MUST be at least $2. Or more. :D

Queen` @* 11:36 PM

I'm not even sure if I remember how to blog properly anymore. xD Anyway, nobody reads this stuff, so WHO CARES??? But it's a fun way to spend your last five minutes before bedtime. Okaaaaay, we have both a math AND a chem test tomorrow. AAaaRRggHH. Both my FAVOURITE subjects. *barfs*

I'm really starting to wonder who really exists on the blog world anymore... they all went to facebook planet. Even my cousins have Facebook accounts. It's really weird. WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT FACEBOOK, SERIOUSLY??!! Mostly the only thing I see people doing on Facebook (during the random CS lessons) are playing the games, bitching about other people's photos, and "messaging their walls" or whatever crap.

I know, I haven't been on Facebook in months.

And YES, I have EVER BEEN ON FACEBOOK. Even have a friggin' account!!! But I got bored. There's only so many times you can play the games there and not hit your head on the computer screen some day and tell yourself :"I'm bored. What else is there to DO???"

BUT. Looks like that's not gonna happen for a long long long time. Cuz people are still making accounts. People are still playing the games (and that weird PET SOCIETY game. I saw my friend doing it. She goes around giving other people's pets baths and apples and stuff, to bring up their "happy meters" or something. Then COINS FALL OUT OF THE OTHER PETS AND YOU CAN GET RICH ON THOSE WHEN YOU PICK THEM UP!!! *rofl*)

And THEN there's other games, but I can't remember them anyway... The only thing I really have nothing to say about are the topic forums or whatver you call them. You join a group that's talking about a certain topic to show your absolute fan-ship. Like, the Twilight haters. If I were a facebook go-er, I would probably join. But I'm not. So.

No, seriously, I'm not just bitching. I really kinda feel that way about general Facebook. And I was wondering what I was gonna write for my blog today. LOL

Queen` @* 11:35 PM

Does your name fits you?

A : has a smile to die for
B : is a nerd at times
C : can kick ur butt
D : great friend
E : has beautiful eyes
F : wild and crazy
G : hot
H : likes someone
I : best boyfriend or girlfriend
J : is really sweet
K : gorgeous
L : very good kisser
M : can be funny and dumb at times
N : easy to fall in love with
O : has one of the best personalities ever
P : popular with all types of people
Q : nice butt
R : gives good hugs
S : very opened - minded
T : makes people laugh
U : is loved by everyone
V : not judgmental
W: very romantic
X : never let people tell you what to do
Y : very hot
Z : makes dating fun

Queen` @* 11:34 PM